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Superbowl Catering 2025 - serves 6 people


Hosting a Superbowl Party?

Check out our complete catered Superbowl menu: Generously serving up to 6 people for only $197. There is also a $297 option with quantities adjusted for up to 12 people.

Superbowl Catering 2024

Additionally, the option of either Lemon-Pepper Wood-Fired Wings, or Buffalo Wood-Fired Wings is available in a 20-count for an additional $49 – Please call to add to your order.

Contact Caffé Gelato for details: (302) 533-0201 or Order Online below


Choose Lemon-Pepper Wings add-on
Add 20 Lemon-Pepper Wood Fired Wings

Choose Buffalo Wings add-on
Add 20 Buffalo Wood Fired Wings

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