We <3 Moms: Mother's Day Traditions around the World

2019-04-30 by Caffe Gelato Restaurant
Mother’s Day is almost here! Now’s the time for homemade crafts, gifts, and acts of kindness to show your mom how much you appreciate her. And these days, Mother’s Day traditions are taking on new forms as families are re-defining what it means to be a mother. It’s not just a U.S. holiday either – mothers from different cultures all around the world get to have their special day celebrated in so many ways. Read on for a list of some popular Mother’s Day traditions all across the globe:
- Brazil – Fun Fact: Mother’s Day is actually one of the biggest commercial holidays in Brazil! Celebrated on the second Sunday in May, families flock to church to hear a variety of children’s performances. They then often have massive backyard barbeques with cousins, aunts, uncles, grandparents, grandchildren and everything in between!
- Ethiopia – While many Mother’s Days are held in May, Ethiopia celebrates it during the rainy season in fall. It’s part of an amazing three-day festival called Antrosht, dedicated to moms. Families celebrate with a gigantic feast. Daughters will be in charge of butter, spices, and cheese, while sons typically bring meat such as lamb or bull. A variety of singing and dancing takes place for the entire community.
- United Kingdom – across the pond, Mother’s Day is celebrated on the fourth Sunday of Lent, known as Mothering Sunday. Way back when in the medieval era, poor children would give flowers to their mothers on their days off during the Easter season. Nowadays, children celebrate their moms with traditional flowers and gifts.
- Japan – In Japan, mothers are regarded as having a unique gentle strength that is celebrated on Mother’s Day with beautiful Japanese carnations. Children ensure that their moms get the day off today – they help take care of chores, clean, and make a delicious sushi dinner.
- Australia – Flowers are a popular gift in many parts of the world, but they’re an even bigger deal down under! It’s a common tradition to give mothers Crysanthemums, as moms are typically called “mum.” Australia also loves to give to charitable donations to celebrate women’s causes and empowerment.
You might be brainstorming some Mother’s Day ideas right now. Why not treat her to a nice brunch here at Caffe Gelato? Give us a call at (302) 533-0201 to make a reservation for Sunday, May 12th! You can also purchase a nice Caffe Gelato gift card for her online at https://caffegelato.net/contact/gift-cards. Let us treat your mom to something delicious!