Know Your Wine: How Shannon Ridge Delivers an Excellent Finish Through Sustainable Farming

Love Wine? Hate Waste? Join CG as we celebrate wine making through sustainable agriculture at our upcoming Shannon Ridge Wine Dinner on Thursday, April 11th. However, before you partake in that first sip – there’s a story in every glass. The subtle notes of pear, toasted coconut, oak and caramel and that long juicy finish… Shannon Ridge has earned their place as agricultural icon by looking ahead to minimize the effects of climate change and reliance on land and capital.
That’s a lot to process. Everyone is already aware of climate change but what does that mean for farms, food and restaurants? The UN estimates that by 2050, the world’s population will top 9.7 billion. Sustainable food systems are crucial to feed our rapidly growing populations and minimize unmanageable demands. A third of the earth’s soil has already been degraded through excessive farming as demands for food increases. Vineyards like Shannon Ridge have adapted to these changing times and integrated it into their farming practices.
“Sustainability wasn’t some philosophical concept, it is the way we live our lives.” – Clay Shannon
Shannon Ridge Vineyards strive to “live in harmony with mother nature.” In layman’s terms, their sustainable agricultural practices (called the “Ovis Cycle”) incorporate a flock of sheep that clean the vineyards and removes the excess unmanageable vines, and reduces the need for chemicals, while providing natural fertilizers. The perfect circle: “The vineyards feed the sheep, the sheep feed the vines; lamb feeds the people, people drink the wine and wear the wool.”
“We wanted to grow the best fruit in the world, but we wanted to do it in a way that made us happy living there.” – C. Shannon
Sustainability illuminates a societal awakening to a “heart-felt need to care about others as well as ourselves and to care about future generations.” Small changes can make a huge difference in climate change and food resource management.
Please join us for a fantastic evening of unbelievable food and robust Shannon Ridge Wine Pairings. Discover how delicious sustainability can be! Cheers!